Natural health remedies offer many benefits that have, until recently, been mocked by modern medicine.
It's important to remember that modern medicine is still very new, while natural healing has been used for centuries.
The good news is that in recent years a growing discontentment with modern pharmaceuticals has led to a resurgence of interest in natural health remedies and the treatments that arose from this ancient field of science.
As we learn more about the human body we are able to connect the dots that have been left behind. We no longer merely know that certain herbs and minerals treat certain conditions. Today we know why these natural health remedies are effective treatments for these conditions.
The root of many diseases in inflammation. Whether it is an obvious inflammation such as back pain or a heart condition, inflammation is a contributing factor in both of these conditions.
Figuring out what the cause or causes of inflammation are, will lead you to the correct healing approach, whether that treatment be a natural approach or conventional.
True healing is more then making a "list" of symptoms, calling that "list" a disease name, and then prescribing the appropriate drug.
The art of healing is having the time to explore all the possible causes of disease or malfunction and then giving the body the appropriate support so it can heal itself.
Using a combination herbs, homeopathy, aromatherapy, and even what is known as "energy techniques" can lead to amazing healing results.
Be prepared for the unexpected!
I recorded an audio of a class I gave that includes a wide range of simple treatments for emergency, or sudden onset, health situations.
I give real life examples of how I have used these treatments quickly and effectively.
Homeopathy, herbal support and other simple, safe and effective tips and techniques are described in this audio
Some situations described include:
pain remedies
stress and anxiety
chest pain
burn treatments
asthma attack
insect bites
food poisoning
kidney stones
trauma;bruises to broken bones
This hour long audio may well save you a trip to the emergency room. The benefits of homeopathy remedies and other healing techniques seem staggering to many who've never studied the possibilities. Even if you aren't certain that natural medicine or homeopathy is the path you want to follow, there are many advantages to learning about the treatments and medicine that are involved in homeopathy and healing naturally.
"Simple Cures"
Listen to my new Audio File now!
Only $9.95
Women's Health Issues
Women have had unique and specific health concerns for centuries. For as long as women have suffered from conditions that separate them from men they've also sought natural remedies for those conditions. Natural treatments can be found to provide relief from some of the symptoms of menopause, to increase libido, vaginal yeast infections, and other female health concerns.
If you want to make the move to a more natural way of life, but haven't for fear of losing many of the comfort medications that help you get through painful menstrual cycles or the less savory symptoms of menopause, you can stop worrying. You can have the best of both worlds by getting the relief you need combined with the comfort of knowing you aren't introducing your body to artificial chemicals or manufactured hormones.
Other Health Concerns
You shouldn't think, for one moment, that natural medicine is limited to solving the medical problems facing women. There are plenty of universal health problems, as well as a few that are generally considered to be male problems (with or without any supporting evidence) that are treated quite effectively through various natural methods and treatments.
Colon health concerns, prostate health, and many other more intimate and personal health issues can be remedied with natural ingredients. Prevention is almost always the best cure and learning how to prevent colon or prostate issues through diet and natural health remedies can be the greatest gift you will ever give yourself.
*/This information on "Natural Health Remedies" is provided for educational purposes only. There is no intention to diagnose or treat health conditions. All the information contained in this web site is related to natural approaches to health and is outside the typical Standard of Care provided by your physician. If you are under a physician's care it is important you keep him informed about what you are doing. There are physicians that recognize the value of natural approaches to healing.